Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Outsource Your Social Media

Leave the social media marketing to the experts – focus on your core business. Social Process Outsourcing is cheaper, more effective, and the only logical solution to a business’ social media needs. Here are three reasons why outsourcing your social media is a great idea –

Design and Content

Most businesses owners are great “doers”. They’re not so great when it comes to the words and the design of things. They could probably build you a transverse transmorgifier or whip you up a deluxe upside-down cake in five minutes flat – but often lose steam when faced with a Facebook Page. They either don’t have the time, or don’t know what to say, or don’t know how to say it – and so they call a social media agency and say – “Keep my Page alive.”


Apps and code are for coders. Applications and software are great ways to boost engagement levels and get insight into your Pages.  Can you add a Tab to your Facebook Page with a lead-capture form on it? Do you know your way around a social media management tool? No? Then it makes sense to outsource your social media to an agency.


Yes, there are nifty Promote buttons all over Facebook these days. Twitter and Linkedin aren’t far behind when it comes to self-service “social media advertisement for all”. You shouldn’t Promote your Page – you should run a targeted-ad and monitor it closely to ensure that you get the best possible CPC and the maximum possible ROI. Or you should get a social media agency to do it for you. Here’s a quick bit of fancy math. Most social media agencies (including the one I work for) charge 10 % on your ad spend as agency fee. Let’s assume you’re spending a 100 USD on your ads. Agency fee works out to 10 USD. If you were to sit – yourself and run that ad, you’d be spending around an hour a week trying to get it right (and there is no guarantee that you will). Valuing your time at 20 USD an hour (You will pardon me if it’s more) –  you would spend 80 USD in four weeks (which is how long these ads normally last for) in managing your ad.  Compare 80 USD in managing your ads as opposed to 10 USD in agency fee and I think we have a winner.

Here’s the calculation once again:

Time required: 1 hour a week.

Total duration of the ad: 4 weeks.

Total time required: 4 hours.

Value of your time per hour: 20 USD.

Total cost – if you were to manage it: 80 USD

Total cost – if you were to outsource it: 10 USD.

In conclusion

You could hire a designer, a content writer, a developer and a social media professional and od your own social media “in-house”. Apart from paying these people salaries – you’d also have to allocate resources to them (space, computers, internet). Or you could go in for social process outsourcing and save your peace of mind.

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